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Problems Based on Age

 Problems Based on Age RRB MCQ

1. Ritesh is 12 years older than the Mohit. 17 years ago, Ritesh's age was four times of Mohit's age. Mohit's present age (in years) is:
[RRB GROUP-D - 18/09/2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 24
  2. 27
  3. 18
  4. 21

d. 21
2. The age of a father six years ago was six times then the age of his daughter. Three years hence, the father will be thrice as old as his daughter. What is the present age of the daughter?
[RRB GROUP-D-17/08/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. 15
  2. 12
  3. 17
  4. 20

b. 12
3. Aruna has a younger sister whose age is 8 years less than that of Aruna. If Aruna's sister's age is 18 years, then Aruna's age is:
[RRB GROUP-D-17/08/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. 28
  2. 26
  3. 10
  4. 24

b. 26
4. Kohli is younger than Rohit by 3 years. If the ages of Kohli and Rohit are in the ratio 7: 8, how hold is Kohli?
[RRB Group-D 22/08/2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. 18
  2. 27
  3. 24
  4. 21

d. 21
5. A father is presently 3 times his daughter's age. After 10 years he will be twice as old as her. Find the daughter's present age.
[RRB Group-D 22/08/2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. 15
  2. 5
  3. 20
  4. 10

d. 10
6. Three times the present age of P is 25 years more than the present age of Q. After 10 years, twice the age of Q will be 18 years less than thrice the age of P. Find the present age (in years) of Q.
[RRB Group-D 08/09/2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 21
  2. 16
  3. 19
  4. 17

d. 17
7. Ramya got married 10 years ago. Now her age is 6/5 times her age at the time of marriage. Her 5 daughter's age is one-tenth of her present age. Find her daughter's present age.
[RRB Group-D 26/08/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 20
  4. 12

b. 6
8. The difference between the ages of Radha and Rama is 6 years and the sum of their ages is 26. Find Radha's age, if she is older than Rama.
[RRB Group-D 30-08-2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 26
  2. 32
  3. 16
  4. 6

c. 16
9. The sum of the ages of a mother, son and daughter is 70 years. If the mother is thrice as old as her son and the daughter is 5 years older than her brother, how old is the mother?
[RRB Group-D 23-08-2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 39
  2. 35
  3. 42
  4. 45

a. 39
10. The sum of the present ages of A and B is 30 years. The ratio of their ages after 5 years will be 3: 2. The present age of A is:
[RRB Group-D 09/09/2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. 11
  2. 29
  3. 39
  4. 19

d. 19
11. Rajani's father is three times older than Rajani and Rajani is twice as old as her sister Lavanya. Two years from now the sum of the given three person ages will be 60 years. Find the present age of Rajani.
[RRB Group-D 05/09/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. 12
  2. 8
  3. 36
  4. 13

a. 12
12. Three years ago the age of a man was six times the age of his grandson. After three years, his age will be 6 more than four time the ago of his grandson. What is the present age of the grandson?
[RRB Group-D 09/09/2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 8
  2. 15
  3. 10
  4. 12

b. 15
13. The ratio of Kamal's to Kiran age is 4: 5. Kamal will be 30 years old after 6 years. What is the present age of Kiran?
[RRB Group-D 13/09/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. 28
  2. 30
  3. 40
  4. 24

b. 30
14. Arun is the elder brother of Kiran. The difference in their ages is 20 years. If 5 years ago, Arun was 5 times as old as Kiran then was, then find the present age (in years) of Arun.
[RRB GROUP-D-30/09/2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. 20
  2. 10
  3. 30
  4. 40

c. 30
15. Two years ago, the ratio of the respective ages of subash and Pranav was 4: 5. Three years hence, this ratio will become 5: 6. The present age of Pranav is
[RRB GROUP-D-29/09/2022 (Shift-1), #, #, #, #]
  1. 22
  2. 25
  3. 20
  4. 27

d. 27
16. Shalini's age if four times the sum of the ages of her two sons. Six years hence, her age will be double the sum of their ages. What is Shalini's present age?
[RRB GROUP-D-27/09/2022 (Shift-1), #, #, #, #]
  1. 32
  2. 40
  3. 26
  4. 36

d. 36
17. Ravi's age is 5 years more than Gowri's age, The sum of their ages is 31 years. What is Gowri's age?
[RRB Group-D 27-09-2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 16
  2. 18
  3. 15
  4. 13

d. 13
18. Srinivas has just got married to a girl who is 4 year younger than him, After 5 years their average age will be 33 years. Find the present age of the girl.
[RRB GROUP-D-17/08/2022 (Shift-1), #, #, #, #]
  1. 35
  2. 30
  3. 26
  4. 31

c. 26
19. The difference between the ages of Radha and Murari is 12 years. Five years ago, the sum of their ages was 28 years. If Radha is older than Murari, find Murari's present age (in years).
[RRB GROUP-D18/09/2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 17
  2. 13
  3. 15
  4. 25

b. 13
20. Varun is three times as old as his sister. After six years from now the product of their ages will be 231. Find Varun's present age.
[#, RRB NTPC 09.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 15
  2. 39
  3. 13
  4. 5

a. 15
21. Age of A is 3 times more than that of B and half as that of C. If the sum of their ages is 120 years, what is the age (in years) of A?
[#, RRB NTPC 01.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 34
  2. 26
  3. 65
  4. 36

d. 36
22. Ravi is 5 years older than his wife who is 5 times as old as her daughter. Three years ago her daughter's age was 4 years. Then the present age of Ravi is -
[#, RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 42
  2. 24
  3. 40
  4. 25

c. 40
23. The ratio of the present ages of Alok and Anil is 3: 4. If Alok's age after 20 years from now will be 62 years, then what is Anil's present age?
[#, RRB NTPC 03.02.2021 (Shift-1) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 60
  2. 64
  3. 52
  4. 56

d. 56
24. Six years from now, Kirti's age will be twice the age of her brother Kunal, but 4 years ago she was four times as old as Kunal was then, Find the present age of Kunal.
[#, RRB NTPC 01.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 30
  2. 9
  3. 24
  4. 15

b. 9
25. Six years later Sunil will be twice as old as Kamal. Two years ago he was four times as old as Kamal find the present age of Kamal.
[#, RRB NTPC 03.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 6
  2. 4
  3. 18
  4. 14

a. 6
26. A is 6 years older than B. 10 years ago, B's age was three quarters of A's age. Find the present age (in years) of A.
[#, RRB NTPC 29.01.2021 (Shift-1) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 34
  2. 28
  3. 38
  4. 24

a. 34
27. The ratio of ages of Keshav and Vipul is 9:10. After 12 years the ratio of the age will be 13: 14. Find out the present age of Keshav?
[#, RRB NTPC 06.04.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 27
  2. 30
  3. 42
  4. 39

a. 27
28. A son is 24 years younger than his father, and in 2 years, he will be half of the age of his father. What is the age of the father?
[#, RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 46
  2. 48
  3. 50
  4. 44

a. 46
29. 10 years ago, the average age of a husband and his wife was 42 years. Now, the average age of the family consisting of the husband, wife and their son is 39 years. The present age of the son is:
[#, RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 20
  2. 13
  3. 10
  4. 15

b. 13
30. Lima's father is four times as old as Lima. Four years ago, his father was six times as old as he was then. Find the present age of his father
[#, RRB NTPC 25.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 45
  2. 30
  3. 35
  4. 40

d. 40
31. The present ages of Maya and Meera are in the ratio of 6: 5 and after fifteen years the ratio will be 9: 8. Meera's age is:
[#, RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 30
  2. 35
  3. 20
  4. 25

d. 25
32. The ages of Mahendra and Zahid are in the ratio 6: 7. Fifteen years ago their ages were in the ratio 9: 11. Mahendra's present age is:
[#, RRB NTPC 10.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist, #, #, #]
  1. 10
  2. 60
  3. 54
  4. 18

b. 60
33. 5 years ago, the age of Rohan's father was eight | times that of Rohan. After 5 years, the ratio of Rohan's father's age to that of Rohan's age will be 10: 3. What is Rohan's present age?
[#, #, RRB ALP CBT-2 Physics & Maths 21-01-2019 (Shift-II), #, #]
  1. 10
  2. 8
  3. 15
  4. 12

a. 10
34. The sum of the present ages of father and son is 45 years. 5 years ago, the ratio of their ages was 6: 1. Find the present age of the father.
[#, #, RRB ALP CBT-2 Physics & Maths 21-01-2019 (Shift-III), #, #]
  1. 25
  2. 40
  3. 35
  4. 30

c. 35
35. If the ratio of the present age of Leela and her mother 3: 8. Leela's mother's age at the time of her birth was 25 years old. Find out the present age of his mothe:
[#, #, RRB ALP CBT-2 Electrician 23-01-2019 (Shift-II), #, #]
  1. 52
  2. 40
  3. 56
  4. 48

b. 40
36. The difference of age of father and son is 24 years. Two years ago the age of father was as the twice of the present age of the son. What is the present age of the father?
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 24/05/2019 (Shift-II), #]
  1. 46
  2. 42
  3. 44
  4. 38

a. 46
37. The ratio of the ages of a mother and daughter is 9:2. The age of mother at the time of the birth of daughter was 28 years. What is the age of daughter?
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 27/05/2019 (Shift-II), #]
  1. 12
  2. 8
  3. 4
  4. 6

b. 8
38. The difference between the age of a mother and a daughter is 20 years. After 5 years the age of daughter will be half of the present age of her mother. What is the age of the daughter?
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 30/05/2019 (Shift-I), #]
  1. 15
  2. 12
  3. 10
  4. 8

c. 10
39. After 4 years, the total age of the two members of a family will be 64 years. Four years ago the ratio of their age was 3: 1. Find the age of the younger member.
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 01/06/2019 (Shift-II), #]
  1. 10
  2. 16
  3. 12
  4. 15

b. 16
40. The sum and the difference of the ages of two children is 33 and 3 respectively. What is the age of the elder one?
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 01/06/2019 (Shift-II), #]
  1. 15
  2. 16
  3. 18
  4. 24

c. 18
41. The ratio of ages of three persons is 4:7:9. 8 years ago their total age was 56 years. What is present age of the eldest one?
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 01/06/2019 (Shift-III), #]
  1. 28
  2. 32
  3. 36
  4. 42

c. 36
42. The father's age at the time of his sons' birt, was equal to the present age of son. If the ag of son is 20 years, then find the present age of the father.
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 26/06/2019 (Shift-III), #]
  1. 39
  2. 30
  3. 60
  4. 40

d. 40
43. P is 2 years older than Q, Q is 4 years younger than R. If the sum of their ages 1S 27 then the age of Q is:
[#, #, #, RRB JE - 27/06/2019 (Shift-III), #]
  1. 8
  2. 9
  3. 11
  4. 7

d. 7
44. Six years ago, the ratio of the ages of two persons P and Q was 3: 2. After four years, ratio of their ages will be 8:7. What is the age of P?
[#, #, #, #, RRB RPF Constable — 19/01/2019 (Shift-II)]
  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 14
  4. 8

b. 12
45. The ratio of the ages of Deepika and her mother is 3 ; 11. After 3 years the ratio of their ages becomes 1:3. What is the age of Deepika.
[#, #, #, #, RRB RPF SI-11/01/2019 (Shift-I)]
  1. 15
  2. 9
  3. 13
  4. 11

b. 9
46. The ratio of present ages of X and Y is 3: 4. Five years ago the ratio of their ages was 5:7. Then what is the present age of Y.
[#, #, #, #, RRB RPF Constable - 17/01/2019 (Shift-1)]
  1. 50
  2. 60
  3. 30
  4. 40

d. 40
47. The ratio of the ages of the father, mother and daughter is 22:20:9, After 10 years ratio. this will be 27:25:14. Find the present age of the mother,
[RRB Group-D — 07/12/2018 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. 21
  2. 26
  3. 27
  4. 40

d. 40
48. 6 years ago, the ratio of ages of Saina and Sagar was 6 : 5 therefore in the next four years the ratio of their ages will be 11:10. What is the present age of Sagar?
[RRB Group-D — 31/10/2018 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. 14
  2. 16
  3. 12
  4. 18

b. 16
49. S is 7 years younger than R. If the ratio of their ages is 7:9, then what is the age of S.
[RRB Group-D — 26/09/2018 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. 16
  2. 28
  3. 18
  4. 24.5

d. 24.5
50. The sum of the ages of 6 persons A, B,C, D, E and F working in the same company is 105 years, There is a difference of 5 years between the birth of all of them. What is the age of the eldest person?
[RB Group-D - 03/10/2018 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 20
  2. 25
  3. 30
  4. 15

c. 30

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