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General Electrical Engineering

 General Electrical Engineering

1. For the protection of single-phase 1.5 kW motor, a MCB of rating should be provided
  1. 10 A
  2. 16 A
  3. 32 A
  4. 63 A

b. 16 A
2. The low power factor results in
  1. Increased losses
  2. Decreased losses
  3. No effect on losses
  4. Better generating efficiency

a. Increased losses
3. Low power factor
  1. Aids the voltage regulation
  2. Increase the voltage regulation
  3. Decrease the voltage regulation
  4. None of the above

b. Increase the voltage regulation
4. The power factor of the AC supply can be improved by using
  1. Synchronous generator
  2. Universal motor
  3. Synchronous condenser
  4. SCR

c. Synchronous condenser
5. A distribution line of 440 V is classified as
  1. LV
  2. MV
  3. HV
  4. EHV

b. MV
6. Which of the following is not used as a overhead conductor
  1. ACSR
  2. Weasel
  3. PILCA
  4. Zebra

7. Which of the following reduces the power factor
  1. Motor on no load
  2. Tube lights
  3. Fans
  4. All of the above

d. All of the above
8. Under high voltage test cable shall withstand an AC voltage of
  1. 1.5 kV
  2. 3 kV
  3. 5.2 kV
  4. 7.2 kV

b. 3 kV
9. Under high voltage test cable shall withstand a DC voltage of
  1. 1.5 kV
  2. 3 kV
  3. 5.2 kV
  4. 7.2 kV

d. 7.2 kV
10. Under water immersion test cable is immersed in a water bath at
  1. 40 deg C
  2. 50 deg C
  3. 60 deg C
  4. 70 deg C

c. 60 deg C
11. For water immersion test, cable is immersed in hot water at specified temperature, after 24 hrs the voltage applied between conductor and water for five minutes is
  1. 3 kV
  2. 4 kV
  3. 5 kV
  4. 6 kV

d. 6 kV
12. Unit of energy is
  1. Kilo volt hours
  2. Kilo watt hours
  3. Kilo watt
  4. None of the above

b. Kilo watt hours
13. As per Ohm’s law
  1. V = IR
  2. V = I/R
  3. R = V×I
  4. V = I + R

a. V = IR
14. Unit of resistance is
  1. Ampere
  2. Volts
  3. Ohm
  4. Hertz

c. Ohm
15. In three phase 415 volts 50 Hz supply, the phase to phase voltage is
  1. 220 Volts
  2. 415 volts
  3. 440 volts
  4. 110 volts

b. 415 volts
16. In three phase 415 volts 50 Hz supply, the phase to neutral voltage is
  1. 220 volts
  2. 230 volts
  3. 440 volts
  4. 110 volts

b. 230 volts
17. In 4 sq. mm PVC wire, 4 sq. mm stand for
  1. Thickness of wire
  2. Length of wire
  3. The area of thickness of wire
  4. None of the above

c. The area of thickness of wire
18. The instrument to measure the light is called
  1. Tong tester
  2. Lux meter
  3. Micro meter
  4. Thermo meter

b. Lux meter
19. 10 hours use of 500 watt lamp will consume the energy
  1. 10 units
  2. 20 units
  3. 5 units
  4. 15 units

c. 5 units
20. No. of poles in MCB/TPN is
  1. 2 poles
  2. 4 poles
  3. 3 poles
  4. 1 poles

b. 4 poles
21. A.C. is converted into D.C. by
  1. Dynamo
  2. Motor
  3. Transformer
  4. Rectifier

d. Rectifier
22. Farad is a unit of
  1. Flux
  2. Capacitance
  3. Mutual inductance
  4. Resistance of a conductor

b. Capacitance
23. A kilowatt-hour is a unit of
  1. Energy
  2. Electrical potential
  3. Power
  4. Electric current

a. Energy
24. An electric lamp is marked 100 watt. It is working on 200 Volts. The current through the lamp is given as
  1. 0.5 Amp.
  2. 0.2 Amp.
  3. 5.0 Amp.
  4. 1.0 Amp.

a. 0.5 Amp.
25. Before carrying out O/H maintenance following is due
  1. Transformer is switched off
  2. DG set is switched off
  3. HT panel is switched off
  4. Respective O/H feeder is switched off or earthed

d. Respective O/H feeder is switched off or earthed
26. In house wiring the red wire indicates the
  1. Phase
  2. Neutral
  3. Earth wire
  4. Dead wire

a. Phase
27. In house wiring the black wire indicates the
  1. Phase
  2. Neutral
  3. Earth wire
  4. Dead wire

b. Neutral
28. In house wiring the green wire indicates the
  1. Phase
  2. Neutral
  3. Earth wire
  4. Dead wire

c. Earth wire
29. In 4 wire electric circuit, the black conductor is used for
  1. Phase
  2. Neutral
  3. Earth wire
  4. Armour

b. Neutral
30. In cabling system the earth is connected with conductor having colour
  1. Red
  2. blue
  3. yellow
  4. Armour

d. Armour
31. Unit of current is
  1. Watt
  2. Ampere
  3. Volt
  4. ohm

b. Ampere
32. Heater element is made up of
  1. Tin
  2. Nichrome
  3. Silver
  4. Any above

b. Nichrome
33. Filament of incandescent lamp is made of
  1. Tin
  2. Nichrome
  3. Tungusten
  4. Silver

c. Tungusten
34. An insulator should have
  1. High resistance
  2. High conductance
  3. High conductivity
  4. All of the above

a. High resistance
35. Which of the following is used to make electric connections
  1. Solder
  2. PG clamp
  3. Thimbles
  4. All above

d. All above
36. Instrument used for measuring the speed of rotating machines/ appliances is
  1. Lux meter
  2. Tachometer
  3. Micrometer
  4. None above

b. Tachometer
37. Instrument used for measuring the thickness of wire/strip is
  1. Lux meter
  2. Tachometer
  3. Micrometer
  4. None above

c. Micrometer
38. Instrument used for measuring the voltage across a circuit is
  1. Ammeter
  2. voltmeter
  3. Thermometer
  4. None above

b. voltmeter
39. Instrument used for measuring the current is
  1. Ammeter
  2. voltmeter
  3. Thermometer
  4. None above

a. Ammeter
40. Instrument used for measuring the temperature is
  1. Ammeter
  2. voltmeter
  3. Thermometer
  4. None above

c. Thermometer
41. Illumination level is measured in terms of
  1. Lux
  2. Volt
  3. Ampere
  4. Ohm

a. Lux
42. Insulating resistance is measured by using
  1. Multimeter
  2. Megger
  3. Voltmeter
  4. Hydrometer

b. Megger
43. Which of the following is used for rectification of AC supply
  1. Diodes
  2. Transistors
  3. Capacitor
  4. Resistors

a. Diodes
44. Which preparation should be done starting a new wiring
  1. Prepare a wiring diagram
  2. Prepare for shock treatment
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of the above

a. Prepare a wiring diagram
45. In wiring circuit the fuse will be placed on
  1. Phase
  2. Neutral
  3. Earth
  4. Any of the above

a. Phase
46. Which of the following tests should be done before connecting a wiring to the main line
  1. IR test
  2. Continuity test
  3. Polarity test
  4. Any above

a. IR test
47. Which of the following is a common wiring fault
  1. Short circuit
  2. Open circuit
  3. Fuse blown
  4. All above

d. All above
48. Wattage rating range of electric kettle is
  1. 50-500 W
  2. 350-1000 W
  3. 1000-1500 W
  4. 1200-1600 W

b. 350-1000 W
49. Device used for auto off an electric iron is
  1. Thermostat switch
  2. Overload relay
  3. Time delay switch
  4. Any of the above

a. Thermostat switch
50. Can you repair an immersion rod
  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. It depend on condition
  4. None above

a. No
51. A wire gauge is used to measure diameter of
  1. Wire
  2. cable
  3. OH conductor
  4. Any above

a. Wire
52. To improve the power factor, capacitors are connected in the circuit as
  1. Parallel path
  2. Series path
  3. Any of a & b
  4. None of the above

a. Parallel path
53. To switch ON or switch OFF the supply in accordance with day light, following is used
  1. Light dependent resistor
  2. Light emitting diode
  3. Any of a & b
  4. None of the above

a. Light dependent resistor
54. In order to draw more current from the electric source
  1. Resistors are connected in parallel
  2. Resistors are connected in series
  3. Resistors are connected in series and parallel
  4. None of the above

a. Resistors are connected in parallel
55. If a 60 W and 100 W lamps in series and are connected to a source of supply, which lamp will give more light
  1. 100 W
  2. 60 W
  3. Both will give same light
  4. None of the bulb will glow

b. 60 W
56. Power is defined as
  1. Capacity of doing work
  2. Rate of doing work
  3. Product of force and distance
  4. Energy dissipated by load

b. Rate of doing work
57. Unit of electric power is
  1. Kilowatt
  2. watt
  3. Kilowatt hour
  4. watt hour

c. Kilowatt hour
58. The internal resistance of battery is increased by
  1. Increase in no. of cells
  2. Decrease in no. of cells
  3. None of the above
  4. #

a. Increase in no. of cells
59. A generators converts
  1. Mechanical energy into light
  2. Electrical energy to mechanical energy
  3. Mechanical energy to electrical energy
  4. None of the above

c. Mechanical energy to electrical energy
60. Power factor of AC circuit is equal to
  1. Tan of phase angle
  2. Sine of phase angle
  3. Cosine of phase angle
  4. None of the above

c. Cosine of phase angle
61. Resistance of open circuit is equal to
  1. Zero
  2. Infinity
  3. Less than 1 ohm
  4. None above

b. Infinity
62. Laminated core is used to reduce
  1. Hysteresis loss
  2. Eddy current loss
  3. Copper loss
  4. iron loss

b. Eddy current loss
63. Which of the following is not a non conventional energy source
  1. Solar
  2. Bio gas
  3. Wind
  4. Electricity

d. Electricity
64. Solar energy is used for
  1. Lighting
  2. Cooking
  3. Battery charging
  4. All above

d. All above
65. Solar and wind hybrid system is
  1. Becoming popular
  2. Not possible
  3. Conventional energy source
  4. None of the above

a. Becoming popular
66. Bio gas depends on
  1. Electrical energy
  2. Waste products
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above

b. Waste products
67. Which of the following is not a constituent of a solar lighting system
  1. Photo voltaic cell
  2. Back up batteries
  3. Charger
  4. Earth wire

d. Earth wire
68. Which of the following is not a type of fuse
  1. HRC
  2. Rewirable
  3. Ceramic
  4. None above

c. Ceramic
69. Which of the following is not a type of generating station?
  1. Thermal
  2. Nuclear
  3. Hydro
  4. Atmospheric

d. Atmospheric
70. Which of the following is not a part of overhead distribution line
  1. Conductor
  2. Insulator
  3. Cross arms
  4. Thimbles

d. Thimbles
71. Type of insulator not used in a 3 phase, 440 V overhead distribution line
  1. Pin
  2. Shackle
  3. Disc
  4. None above

c. Disc
72. Instrument connected in the circuit with the ammeter (in panel) to facilitate the measurement of current is
  1. Current transformer
  2. Potential transformer
  3. Excitation transformer
  4. None of the above

a. Current transformer
73. Capacitor opposes
  1. Instantaneous change of voltage
  2. Instantaneous change of current
  3. Instantaneous change in resistance
  4. None of the above

a. Instantaneous change of voltage
74. Inductor opposes
  1. Instantaneous change of voltage
  2. Instantaneous change of current
  3. Instantaneous change in resistance
  4. None of the above

b. Instantaneous change of current
75. Current is
  1. Rate of flow of charge
  2. Gradual change in resistance
  3. Linear change in capacitance
  4. None of the above

a. Rate of flow of charge
76. When resistances are connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance
  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. No change
  4. May increase or decrease

a. Decreases
77. When resistances are connected in series, the equivalent resistance
  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. No change
  4. May increase or decrease

b. Increases
78. Diode allows the flow of the current
  1. In one direction
  2. In both the directions
  3. Flow of current not allowed
  4. None of the above

a. In one direction
79. When capacitances are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance
  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. no change
  4. May increase or decrease

b. Increases
80. When capacitances are connected in series, the equivalent capacitance
  1. Decreases
  2. Increases
  3. No change
  4. May increase or decrease

a. Decreases
81. Two lamps of 60 W and one of 100 W are connected in series to a supply 220 V, the current flowing in the circuit will be
  1. 1A
  2. 2A
  3. 3A
  4. 4A

a. 1A
82. A 2 x 40 W box type fitting glows for 10 hrs in a day, units consumed per day will be
  1. 0.72
  2. 0.04
  3. 0.8
  4. 1

c. 0.8
83. A 2 x 40 W box type fitting glows for 10 hrs in a day, electric charges for the month of June @ Rs. 3/- per unit will be Rs.
  1. 18
  2. 3.6
  3. 72
  4. 90

c. 72
84. One ordinary ceiling fan works for 12 hrs in a day, units consumed per day will be
  1. 0.72
  2. 0.04
  3. 0.8
  4. 1

a. 0.72
85. One ordinary ceiling fan works for 12 hrs in a day, electric charges per day @ Rs. 2/- per unit will be
  1. 0.72
  2. 1.44
  3. 0.8
  4. 1

b. 1.44
86. One 20 inch desert cooler (150 W) works for 8 hrs per day, units consumed per day will be
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.8
  3. 2.1
  4. 2.4

a. 1.2
87. One 20 inch desert cooler (150 W) works for 8 hrs per day, electric charges gor the month of July @ Rs. 3/- per unit will be
  1. 111.6
  2. 110.2
  3. 90
  4. 115.3

a. 111.6
88. A geyser of 25 ltrs., 1500 W remains ON for 2 hrs per day, units consumed for 6 months will be
  1. 540
  2. 480
  3. 620
  4. 700

a. 540
89. One 60 w lamp and 2 fans works for 10 hrs per day, units consumed per day will be
  1. 1.8
  2. 2.1
  3. 1.7
  4. 3

a. 1.8
90. A 10 hp pump works for 10 hrs per day, monthly consumption will be
  1. 223.8
  2. 2.23
  3. 22.38
  4. 2238

d. 2238
91. A grinders in a factory, equipped with 1.5 hp motor, works for 6 hrs per day, the units consumed per day will be
  1. 5.49
  2. 6.714
  3. 2388
  4. 1940

b. 6.714
92. Internal resistance of a cell is 0.1 ohm and 10 cells are connected in series to form a battery supplying a current of 1 A, the power lost in the battery is
  1. 0.5 W
  2. 1 W
  3. 5 W
  4. 50 W

b. 1 W
93. The resistance of human body lies between
  1. 100 -200 ohm
  2. 5 K ohm -50 K ohm
  3. 1 M ohm -10 M ohm
  4. 100 k ohm -500 K ohm

d. 100 k ohm -500 K ohm
94. Instrument used to measure electric energy consumption is
  1. Galvanometer
  2. Potentiometer
  3. Energy meter
  4. None of the above

c. Energy meter
95. Which of the following keeps the poles straight
  1. Stay rod
  2. Cross arm
  3. Conductor
  4. Insulator

a. Stay rod
96. Inside the geyser there is a
  1. Filament
  2. Immersion rod
  3. Any of a and b
  4. None of the above

b. Immersion rod
97. Which of the following is used for concealed wiring in a house
  1. PVC conduit
  2. GI pipe
  3. Spun concrete pipe
  4. Any of the above

a. PVC conduit
98. The size of copper wire used for point wiring in sq mm is
  1. 1.5
  2. 2.5
  3. 4
  4. 10

a. 1.5
99. The size of copper wire used for sub main in sq mm is
  1. 1.5
  2. 2.5
  3. 4
  4. 10

b. 2.5
100. The size of Aluminium wire used for point wiring in sq mm is
  1. 1.5
  2. 2.5
  3. 4
  4. 10

c. 4
101. The combined Earth resistance of 33kV/11 kV receiving station should not exceed
  1. 1 ohm
  2. 2 ohms
  3. 10 ohms
  4. 20 ohms

a. 1 ohm
102. The combined earth resistance of 11 kV/415 V Sub-station should not exceed
  1. 0.5 ohm
  2. 2 ohms
  3. 10 ohms
  4. 20 ohms

b. 2 ohms
103. The integration time employed by supply authorities for recording M.D. for a 33 kV/415 V, 10 MVA Sub-station is –
  1. 5 minutes
  2. 15 minutes
  3. 45 minutes
  4. 60 minutes

b. 15 minutes
104. While designing a sub-station anticipated future loads in the next … years are taken
  1. 1 year
  2. 2 years
  3. 20 years
  4. 5-7 years

d. 5-7 years
105. As per the present Tariff the minimum power factor of sub-station should be
  1. 0.8
  2. 0.85
  3. 0.9
  4. 0.95

c. 0.9
106. The minimum clearance of lowest conductor from the ground of 33 kV lines, across the load
  1. 3 M
  2. 4 M
  3. 6.1 M
  4. 14 M

c. 6.1 M
107. The minimum clearance of lowest conductor from the ground of 33 kV lines, along a street.
  1. 5.8 M
  2. 3.0 M
  3. 4.0 M
  4. 14 M

a. 5.8 M
108. The minimum vertical clearance from 11 kV line to any part of building.
  1. 2.0 M
  2. 10 M
  3. 3.7 M
  4. 6.0 M

c. 3.7 M
109. The minimum Horizontal clearance of 11 kV lines from any buildings.
  1. 1.2 M
  2. 3.7 M
  3. 6.1 M
  4. 10 M

b. 3.7 M
110. The Visible, Audible, Partial discharge at the surface of conductor at high voltage is called –
  1. Skin affect
  2. Corona
  3. Creep
  4. None of these

b. Corona

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