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Animal Cell

 Animal Cell RRB MCQ

1. Which cell organelle is known as the "suicide bags of a cell"?
[RRB Group-D- 13/09/2022 (Shift-I),RRB Group-D 27-09-2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. Lysosome
  2. Nucleus
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Centrosome

a. Lysosome
2. Which of the following organelle of the eukaryotic cells are also called suicidal bags?
[#, RRB NTPC (Stage-II)-13/06/2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #]
  1. Lysosome
  2. Golgi body
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Chloroplast

a. Lysosome
3. What is the similarity between fermentation in yeast and anaerobic respiration taking place in muscle cells of humans?
[RRB Group-D 25-08-2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. Lactic acid is formed
  2. Take place in Cytoplasm
  3. Ethanol is formed
  4. Take place in mitochondria

b. Take place in Cytoplasm
4. In the _________ of the cell, pyruvate is formed from glucose.
[RRB Group-D 24-08-2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. Cytoplasm
  2. Ribosome
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Nucleus

a. Cytoplasm
5. Selectively permeable membranes are those that allow penetration of ....
[RRB Group-D 23-08-2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. neither solvent nor solute molecules
  2. only solvent molecules but not solute molecules
  3. both solvent and solute molecules
  4. only solute molecules but not solvent molecules

b. only solvent molecules but not solute molecules
6. Which cell organelle detoxifies toxins and drugs?
[RRB Group-D 25-08-2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. Ribosomes
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Golgi bodies
  4. Endoplasmic reticulum

d. Endoplasmic reticulum
7. Why are mitochondria considered as a 'weird' organelle?
[RRB Group-D 24-08-2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. Because they can digest microorganisms
  2. Because they contain ribosomes and DNA
  3. Because they are the power-house of the cell
  4. Because they are the store of cellular contents

b. Because they contain ribosomes and DNA
8. Apart from nucleus of the cell, which two cell organelles have their own DNA and Ribosomes?
[RRB Group-D-09/09/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. Plastids and Mitochondria
  2. Mitochondria and Lysosomes
  3. Plastids and Golgi bodies
  4. Mitochondria and Golgi bodies

a. Plastids and Mitochondria
9. Which molecule is known as the "Energy Currency" of the cell
[#, #, #, #, #]
  1. Glucose
  2. ADP
  3. ATP
  4. Pyruvic acid

c. ATP
10. Which of the following cellular components are known as the protein factories of a cell?
[RRB Group-D-05/09/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. Ribosomes
  2. Chloroplasts
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Golgi bodies

a. Ribosomes
11. Some feature of a prokaryotic cell are mentioned below. Select the INCORRECT option.
[RRB Group-D-05/09/2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. Membrane-bound cell organelles present
  2. Nuclear region known as nucleoid
  3. Single chromosome
  4. Very small in size

a. Membrane-bound cell organelles present
12. Where are waste products stored within a plant cell?
[RRB Group-D-15/09/2022 (Shift-III), #, #, #, #]
  1. Golgi bodies
  2. Lysosomes
  3. Vacuoles
  4. Mitochondria

c. Vacuoles
13. Chlorophyll pigment is present in which of the following components of a cell?
[RRB Group-D-15/09/2022 (Shift-I), #, #, #, #]
  1. Mitochondria
  2. Ribosomes
  3. Chloroplasts
  4. Lysosomes

c. Chloroplasts
14. What is the subunits composition of prokaryotic ribosomes?
[RRB Group-D-01/09/2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. 50S and 30S
  2. 60S and 40S
  3. 60S and 30S
  4. 50S and 40S

a. 50S and 30S
15. Which of the following cellular components is absent in most of the prokaryotes?
[RRB Group-D-02/09/2022 (Shift-II), #, #, #, #]
  1. Ribosome
  2. Cell wall
  3. Cytoplasm
  4. Nuclear membrane

d. Nuclear membrane

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